Our impact
Our impacts on others and the community:
Our project aims are to reduce poverty, provide food for people who live in the slums, demonstrate a way of gaining money for local people, by letting them sell the fruits and vegetables, and to spread awareness of poverty. Referring to all these aims, we decided to make a giving garden project where we would be demonstrating and giving out sacks with drainage systems and vegetables to an organization which we focused on called “Hand to Hand”. We also wanted to create awareness inside our own school as well, so we decided to hold an assembly in front of the school about our actions. Additionally, we managed to set up a lunchtime session with the primary students on Monday and Tuesday. During this session, we taught the kids about how to make the sack garden and seed balls which is another minor scheme. The reason that we chose to do the lunchtime session with the little kids more was that they have more willingness and access to lunchtime sessions more than the older kids and they would have more involvement with their family which would help us spread the awareness of poverty easier. Our project is not yet completely completed yet as we finished the process of preparing the sacks and got all of the preparations like seeds, soil, etc ready but all of those are not yet delivered to the Hand to Hand organization yet due to the Coronavirus pandemic where our school is closed down. Even though we did not manage to hit our goal to make a hundred sacks as we could only make a couple of them with the primary kids, we still managed to spread awareness of poverty and the importance of growing crops to many people in our school community including our friend, teachers and our family.
Mainly, there are about 12 people who are involved in organizing the project including the teachers, hand to hand organizer and parents. But in our school, there are about 500 students whom we spread the awareness to. We cooperated with 2 big organizations which are the Hand to Hand and the BanSunSaray. These two organizations both have a focus on helping people and orphan children. For instance, the Hand to Hand charity is currently helping about 77 families who are in poverty in the slum areas and 46 orphan children while the BanSunSaray is a bamboo school for orphanage children as well as an environmentally friendly accommodation for tourists with eco-friendly programs like making gardens, etc. This is why we decided to help out these two organizations as both of them really respond to our aim to help reduce poverty.
Most of the work we did on our project was in our own free time such as the presentations for the assembly, the overnight trip to Eco-retreat (Baan SunSaray visit), at lunchtime session where we demonstrated how to make sack gardens to the kids and the hand to hand visit. Most of our meetings took place during our activity time where we needed to sign up for the Global Social Leader activity (each period is 40 minutes long). So considering these activities we did plus with the time we spent on the project at home, it is approximately more than 150 hours absolutely.